Media release

Man Charged with Fishery Offences - Adelaide River


A 46-year-old man has been charged with a number of offences after Police located a 1.9 metre crocodile restrained inside his boat.

Senior Sergeant Paul Faustmann said Officers from the Water Police Section were conducting compliance checks on vessels in Salt Water Arm on the Adelaide River at around 12:30pm yesterday.

“Upon inspection of the boat Police located the injured crocodile, and a number of unmarked crab pots. The vessel was not carrying the required safety equipment. Further inquiries revealed that several of the pots were stolen the previous week.

“Police seized the boat and the crocodile was handed over to Parks and Wildlife Commission Rangers to be rehabilitated.”

He has been charged with:

Take/injure protected wildlife

Interfere with protected wildlife

Fail to carry safety equipment

Fail to mark amateur crab pot

Receive stolen property

He has been summonsed to appear at Darwin Magistrates Court at a later date.