Media release

Kava Seizure - Mataranka


A 52 year old man will face court today following the seizure of 20kg of kava yesterday in Mataranka.

Sergeant Ken Bradshaw from Northern Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk said Mataranka Police conducted a search of the man’s property and vehicle.

“Police located 20 kilograms of kava divided into 20gram deal bags in the boot of the man’s vehicle.”

The kava was destined for Ramingining and Police estimate it could have fetched $20,000 if sold in the remote community.

“Police are dedicated to removing harmful substances from remote communities. If any member of the public has information in relation to kava, drugs or alcohol in remote communities please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”

The alleged offender charged with possession and supply of a trafficable quantity of kava.

He will appear in Katherine Magistrates Court November 7.