Media release

Kava Charges - Nhulunbuy


A 44 year-old man has been charged with the possession of a trafficable amount of Kava following the seizure of 24 kilograms of the drug at the Nhulunbuy Airport.

Remote Communities Drug Desk Officers, Dog Operations Unit Personnel and Nhulunbuy Police were screening passengers and baggage as part of an on-going operation when an un-attended suitcase attracted the attention of Police.

Superintendent Tony Fuller from the Drugs and Organised Crime Squad said the suitcase contained an estimated $24,000 worth of Kava.

“Investigations have resulted in the alleged owner of the suitcase being arrested as he attempted to board a flight from Nhulunbuy yesterday morning.

“Police will allege the man arrived from Sydney with the suitcase and abandoned it on the carousel upon witnessing Police activity inside the terminal.  We understand he spent the night in town before attempting a return flight.”

Superintendent Fuller added that the man has since been found to be an unlawful non-citizen and has been referred to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

The man remains in custody and will attend the Darwin Magistrates Court on Thursday, February 28th.