Media release

Jabiru Police happy with festival crowds


A stellar crowd enjoyed both the Mahbilil Festival and Gurrung Sports Carnival in Jabiru over the weekend.

Jabiru Police say the weekend’s festivities saw more than 1,500 people attend the events and around 300 athletes take part in three sports.

Superintendent Michael White said the behaviour of the crowds was excellent.

“We had the Festival and the accompanying Sports Carnival and we are pleased to say there were no incidents reported to Police at any venue throughout the weekend.

“The festival attracts locals, tourists and visitors and most of the participants in the sports carnival were from remote communities.

“Police made three arrests over the weekend for incidents that occurred outside the listed venues including one drink-driver who returned a reading of 0.194; an arrest for an outstanding warrant; and one arrest for breaching a domestic violence order.

“We were very pleased that the vast majority who came to Jabiru had a good, safe time and enjoyed themselves immensely.”

Superintendent White thanked organisers and participants for their efforts.