Media release

Indecent Assault Arrest - Wadeye


A 25 year-old man has been charged with indecent assault and will front the Darwin Magistrate Court this morning.

Superintendent Daniel Bacon from the Arnhem & Western Division said the man was arrested in Wadeye on Sunday, September 22, following the alleged assault on Saturday.

“Police will allege a 27 year-old female was assaulted near the community of Peppimenarti.  Initial investigations by Peppimenarti Police tracked the alleged offender back to Wadeye.

“Wadeye Police quickly identified and arrested the suspect with Northern Investigation Section Detectives attending and charging the man with indecent assault yesterday.”

Superintendent Bacon said the cooperation and investigation by all Police involved was first class and has resulted in a very quick, positive result for the victim and the community.

“People are entitled to feel safe wherever they are and I thank all members for their work during this incident."