Media release

Houseboat Sinking - Mary River


A woman has drowned following the sinking of a house boat on the Mary River.

Northern Territory Police and Water Police responded to an emergency call just before 5pm this afternoon.

Duty Superintendent Daniel Shean said initial reports have stated strong winds due to a storm front tipped over one of two house boats that were moored together.

“We understand the woman has been trapped underwater in the capsized vessel.

“Members of the group have dived into the water and recovered the woman before beginning CPR and transporting her back to the boat ramp in a tinny.

“Police have met them at the ramp and taken over CPR until St John Paramedics arrived.

“Sadly, the woman has not recovered.

“The other eleven members of the group have been accounted for and are now safe.”

Superintendent Shean said the Water Police would now investigate the incident on behalf of the coroner.