Media release

Fisheries Offences - Greater Darwin


In the past week officers from the Water Police Section have summoned and charged four men in relation to two separate fisheries offences.

Senior Sergeant Paul Faustmann said Police received information in relation to illegal fishing in Shoal Bay 1 March.

“Officers attended the location and conducted an inspection under the Fisheries Act.

“Police located and seized 27 mud crabs in the possession of two men, aged 41 and 48-years-old. Two of these crabs were under size.”

The legal possession limit of mud crabs for two people is 20.

They were charged with exceed bag limit on mud crabs and take undersize mud crabs.

“In a separate incident Police received reports that two men were illegally fishing in the upper reaches of Middle Arm 4 March.” Senior Sergeant Faustmann said

“Police located and seized 22 mud crabs under the floor of the vessel, two of which were under size female mud crabs.

“A further search revealed seven unmarked crab pots, an undersize Barramundi being used for bait and a mud crab making it 23 in total. A further inspection of the vessel revealed both men had failed to carry the required safety gear.”

The two men aged 46 and 50-years-old were charged with:

Exceeding bag limit on mud crabs

Take undersize female mud crabs

Take undersize barramundi

Use non-complying amateur pot

Fail to carry safety gear

Senior Sergeant Faustmann stated that the identification of these persons by members of the public was invaluable. “With the assistance of the public we can continue to promote the sustainability of one of the Territory’s favourite pastimes – Fishing.”