Media release

Drugs, Ammunition and Alcohol Seized - Wadeye


Police have charged a 22-year-old man in relation to a number of drug, liquor and firearm offences in Wadeye.

Superintendent, Arnhem and Western Division, Danny Bacon said Police responded to reports that the offender was allegedly dealing cannabis in the community.

“The alleged offender was located by Police at a residence in Wadeye yesterday afternoon.

“Police located and seized 10 grams of cannabis divided up into 11 small deal bags inside the residence and around $3,000 in cash.

“Half a carton of alcohol and ammunition were also located inside his Hilux ute. Police also seized the vehicle, alcohol and ammunition.”

He was arrested and charged with:

Possess dangerous drug

Supply dangerous drug

Possess liquor in restricted area

Possess ammunition without a licence/permit

Receive property.

He will appear in Wadeye Court on Thursday 12 September.