Media release

Drink Drivers - Nhulunbuy


Nhulunbuy Police arrested three drivers for drink driving in just over 12 hours on Friday night and Saturday morning.

Shift Supervisor Sergeant Alex Brennan said a fourth driver was apprehended on Sunday evening compounding a disappointing weekend for Nhulunbuy Police.

“A 39 year-old male was arrested for medium range drink driving on Friday night after arriving in Nhulunbuy on the evening flight.

“The male left the airport and commenced driving towards Nhulunbuy when he was stopped at a random breath testing station on Melville Bay Road.

“On Saturday morning a 41 year old male was stopped at a random breath testing station on Chesterfield Circuit.

“The driver was arrested for numerous offences including unlicensed driving with alcohol in blood.

“Both the 39 year-old and 41 year-old will appear in the Nhulunbuy Court of Summary Jurisdiction in November.”

Sergeant Brennan said a 31 year-old man was also arrested later in the morning,

“He has been charged with high range drink driving and driving while disqualified after being stopped by police in the Ski Beach area. He will appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court on Monday the 21st of October.

“On Sunday afternoon a 53 year-old male was arrested and issued an infringement notice for low range drink driving after being stopped by police at a random breath testing station on Beagle Circuit.

“This is a timely reminder to all motorists that Northern Territory Police will continue to target drink driving on Northern Territory roads.” Sergeant Brennan said.

“Please plan ahead.  If you plan to drink then find an alternative way home.  The safety of all road users is our primary concern and if you drink and drive you will be caught.”