Media release

CCTV Assists in Arrests - Alice Springs


Northern Territory Police have arrested two youths aged 14 and 16 after CCTV operators in Darwin were able to direct Officers to their location.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Leith Phillips said the youths had allegedly smashed a window at the Alice Springs Civic Centre before entering and stealing soft drink from a vending machine.

“CCTV operators have witnessed the youths running from the scene just before 2am this morning and guided Officers to their location.”

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Phillips said CCTV was proving to be a very good policing tool in these situations.

“Thanks to the descriptions given and a general area to begin our search, the youths were quickly identified and taken into custody.

“Police are grateful for any resource that can be used to help keep people safe and the CCTV operators were diligent and professional, resulting in the subsequent arrests.”

The youths have been charged with unlawful entry and stealing.