Media release

Cattle Truck Rollover Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police have reopened the Stuart Highway near the turn off to Adelaide following a road train rollover this morning.

Acting Superintendent Travis Wurst said the road train, transporting cattle in three trailers, was travelling south on the Stuart Highway at around 10am when the crash occurred.

“As the driver approached the intersection and commenced a right hand turn, the wheels on the rear trailer have mounted a centre island curb.

“It appears as a result of coming in contact with the curb the trailer has destabilised and slowly rolled to the left side.

“A number of cattle were freed in the crash and police and pastoralists utilised motorbikes to muster the cattle which had escaped.

"A responding member was struck by one of the displaced cattle. The officer has been conveyed to Alice Springs Hospital for assessment.

“The 37-year-old male driver was not injured.  No charges are expected to be laid.