Media release

Car Vs House - Moil


Police are searching for the driver of a car which crashed through the fence of a house in Moil last night.

Senior Sergeant Bob Harrison said the driver appears to have lost control of a Toyota Hilux utility and crashed through the front fence of a residence in Moil Crescent at around 9pm.

“The driver fled the scene, and was last seen running towards the nearby school,” Senior Sergeant Harrison said.

“Police attended the scene and established the ute had been stolen from a house in Thornton Crescent approximately 24 hours earlier.

“Police urge anyone who may have witnessed a male of slim build and approximately 180cm tall in the area, or any witnesses to the crash, to contact them on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”

The vehicle, which received extensive damage, also caused approximately $1,000 worth of damage to the fence.