Media release

Call for Witnesses - Assault - Casuarina


Serious Crime Squad Detectives are investigating the alleged assault of a 65-year-old woman which occurred in Casuarina last night.

Detective Sergeant Matt Allen said the woman was driving her brand new Nissan Micra hatchback out of the Casuarina Shopping Square car park on Linton Street at about 7:00pm, when it is alleged a group of up to eight males surrounded her vehicle.

“During the incident, one of the males appears to have opened the driver’s door which resulted in the victim falling to the ground. The victim sustained injuries to her wrist,” Detective Sergeant Allen said.

“A number of people came to the woman’s aid and the males fled the scene.

“The group were described to be of Aboriginal appearance, aged between 14-20 years and were last seen heading towards the Kmart entrance of the shopping complex.

“Police urge anyone who may have witnessed the incident, or who may have seen males matching this description running from the area, to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”