Media release

Body and Vehicle Found - Barkly


Detectives from Tennant Creek are investigating the death of a man whose body was located next to a vehicle in the Barkly Region today.

Superintendent Craig Barrett confirmed that Northern Territory Emergency Services personnel made the tragic discovery from the air at 10.17am this morning.

“With the assistance of the aircraft and pilot from Brunette Downs, two NTES air observers spotted the maroon 2012 Toyota LandCruiser utility in scrub and bushland south of the Barkly Highway about 105kms west of the Queensland border.

“Unfortunately this search did not result in a positive outcome, but the search teams must be commended for their professionalism and outstanding work.

“I would also like to recognise the assistance of nearby station owners and staff, in particular Brunette Downs, and thank the community for their support in providing information to police.

“This is a tragedy for the family, and the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services send our heartfelt condolences to the family.”

Police have notified the man's next of kin and at this stage in the investigation no further information will be released.

A file is now being prepared for the Coroner.