Media release

Armed Robbery - Nakara


Serious Crime Detectives are investigating the armed robbery of a pizza delivery driver, which occurred in Nakara late last night.

Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Board of the Serious Crime Squad said the 29-year-old victim attended a residence in Witherden Street at around 10:30pm.

“It is alleged the man was waved down by three male youths who were standing outside of the intended address,” Detective Senior Sergeant Board said.

“It is alleged the youths approached the male as he stepped off his scooter. Two of the youths grabbed the delivery driver whilst the third male is alleged to have produced a knife.

“One offender cut the victim’s bum bag from around his waist and the three of them ran from the area, with a small quantity of cash and pizzas.

“The man was very shaken up by his ordeal and thankfully wasn’t physically injured during the incident.

“Police urge anyone who may have witnessed the incident, or who may have seen youths in the area at around that time, to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”