Media release

Amphetamine Seizure - Katherine


Northern Territory Police have made a significant seizure of amphetamine in Katherine yesterday afternoon.

Detective Senior Sergeant Clint Sims from the Northern Investigation Section said a vehicle was apprehended on Giles Street at about 4pm.

“Police have allegedly discovered 884.6 grams of an amphetamine type substance secreted under the back seat of the vehicle, a 39-year-old man and a 37-year-old female were taken into custody.

“Both have since been charged with supply a commercial quantity of amphetamine and will appear before the Katherine CSJ today.

Detective Senior Sergeant Sims said the street value of the schedule 2 drug is estimated to be between $750,000 and $850,000.

“Police are extremely happy that these drugs have been seized, illegally produced amphetamine substances can cause serious harm, both psychological and physical addiction, can cause hallucinations and bizarre, aggressive and violent behaviour.

“We will continue to target the people dealing in these substances in the interest of harm minimisation and keeping people safe.”