Media release

Alcohol Seized - Daly River


Police have charged a 37-year-old man with alcohol and traffic offences following a traffic apprehension on Friday, 24 kilometres west of the Daly River Bridge.

Acting Superintendent Kylie Proctor of the Arnhem and Western Division said Police located and seized 32 cans of beer, four bottles of wine, two bottles of spirits and two casks of wine.

“The 37-year-old driver was also unlicensed and driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle. There were also two unrestrained children in the car.”

He has been charged with:

Bring liquor into an Alcohol Protected Area

Drive a motor vehicle while disqualified

Drive uninsured motor vehicle

Drive unregistered motor vehicle

Drive - child not using restraint (x2).

“Police will continue to target alcohol and drug traffickers to minimise the harm that these substances cause in our remote communities. We warn those who choose to engage in this unlawful activity, they will be caught, their alcohol will be seized and they also risk losing their vehicle.” A/Superintendent Proctor said.