Media release

320 Kilograms of Kava Seized


Police from the Remote Communities Drug Desk have seized 320 kilograms of kava in three separate busts following a month long operation targeting the supply of the drug into East Arnhem Land Communities.

Acting Commander Tony Fuller from the Crime and Specialist Support Command said the kava was secreted into drums and a compressor in a bid to conceal detection.

“160 kilograms were discovered inside the compressor and 130 kilograms were found in two 44 gallon drums both destined for the same Community.  Northern Territory Police, Customs and the Australian Federal Police continue to work together targeting this Territory issue.”

A 43 year-old woman was arrested following a third bust on Friday March 22 when she was allegedly found in possession of 30 kilograms of kava in her baggage.

“This woman has made several trips to the Northern Territory in the past and investigations are continuing into this case.”

“Police estimate the value of the seized kava to be $320,000 if sold in the remote communities.”

Acting Commander Fuller said it is always disappointing to find people profiteering by the distribution and sale of illicit substances in remote communities and said public assistance was very helpful to Police in combating this behaviour.

“Anyone who has any information or knows something about the transportation and sale of drugs anywhere is encouraged to contact Police on 131 444 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”