Media release

22 Drunk Drivers Detected in a Seven Hour Period - Stuart Park


Darwin Traffic Operations and General Duties Police conducted a number of spontaneous, intelligence-led road operations overnight throughout the Darwin area, yielding horrifying results.

Commander Tony Fuller of the Traffic and Operational Support Command said that the statistics from the random breath testing station in Stuart Park alone were particularly bad.

“In a Darwin Traffic led campaign in Stuart Park, 572 people were tested,  22 drivers were over the legal limit. This result is quite terrifying.

“Our road toll currently stands at 26 fatalities for the year, and we do not need stupidity like this contributing to an already dangerous environment. People need to take responsibility on our roads to prevent further grief.”

Two drivers returned a high range reading (0.166% and 0.150%), ten drivers returned a mid-range reading, and a further ten drivers returned a low-range reading.

“To detect 22 drink drivers, half of whom were women, in a 7 hour period in the middle of the night is appalling.

“To make the stupid decision to drive after drinking can cost lives, and Police will continue to work to keep our community safe by removing dangerous people from the roads.

“Consider yourselves warned. Leading up to the Festive Season, Police will be targeting drink drivers. RBTs will spring up where and when you least expect them. There were five separate randoms set up in Darwin alone overnight by Traffic and General Duties Officers.

“There is simply no excuse for drink driving and endangering the lives of everyone else sharing our roads,” concluded Commander Fuller.

In addition to the 22 drunk drivers, a further 25 traffic infringement notices were issued for various offences.