Media release

Wanted Man Darwin - Update #4


Northern Territory Police will be highly active in the Berry Springs area again today conducting door-knocks, as the hunt for alleged murderer Jonathon Andrew Stenberg enters its sixth day.

Mr Stenberg is wanted in NSW for questioning in relation to the death of a 54-year-old male at Broadwater, on the 21st of June 2012.

“Police stepped up its public engagement campaign yesterday, which included each telephone landline in the area contacted to gather further information from residents, while also determining which properties aren’t occupied during the school holidays.” Said Commander Kate Vanderlaan.

“This campaign has been extended to contact people via SMS who have their mobile phone registered to an address in the operations area.”

“Those residents who now live in the area but may have previously purchased their mobile phone and registered it in another location, are asked to call 1800 888 901 to inform investigators of their property situation.”

“Due the information provided, teams of Officers will today door-knock homes where owners have not responded to the telephone inquiries.”

The rural community is also asked to remain vigilant and be on the lookout for Mr Stenberg.

“Groups of people gathering to celebrate Territory Day could give the accused murderer an opportunity to ‘blend in with the crowd’ and move.” Said Cmdr Vanderlaan.

“People are asked to ensure vehicles are locked while they attend Territory Day celebrations this evening and have regard for their personal safety.”

“Please take a commonsense approach to this evening and refrain from igniting fireworks outside of the prescribed time of 6pm to 11pm – particularly in the operations area.”

“Ensure dogs and pets are safely secured to prevent them from escaping and the need to look for them.”

“While there is a high Police presence in the area, the public is urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.”

“Mr Stenberg is considered armed and dangerous and has continued to evade authorities. He should not be approached.” Said Cmdr Vanderlaan.