Media release

Teen Allegedly Caught Drunk, Driving – Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police have charged a teenaged girl with drink driving after she was allegedly found driving a car alone in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Officer in Charge of Alice Springs Police Conan Robertson said Police stopped a Ford Falcon on Hartley Street and allegedly found the girl, 14, at the wheel.

“Police stopped the vehicle for a random breath test at around 2am and officers allegedly found the teenager behind the wheel,” Acting Senior Sergeant Robertson said.

“She obviously has no licence and the car she was in was not registered or insured.

“Really, this is the height of stupidity. This girl was allegedly driving with a blood alcohol reading of 0.178 per cent. She is very lucky she didn’t kill herself or a pedestrian or another road user.”

The girl was charged with:

Drive high range blood alcohol content;
Drive a motor vehicle while unlicensed;
Drive unregistered motor vehicle, and;
Drive uninsured motor vehicle.


Media Contact
Gina Wilson
8985 8837