Media release

Successful Stinger Leads to Lion - Katherine


60 people have been arrested, stolen property recovered and alcohol destroyed as part of Operation Stinger in Katherine.

The six week Operation was established to target spikes in crime in and around the Katherine region during the school holiday wet season period.

“During this period, many people come into Katherine from surrounding communities to celebrate Christmas, visit family and utilise services.” Said Senior Constable Mathew Unwin.

“Unfortunately the abuse of alcohol is prevalent, leading to a rise in domestic violence, assaults and unlawful entries.”

“Previous experience meant Police this year worked to put measures in place to limit anti-social behaviour and alcohol abuse before it manifested into crime.”

“Katherine Officers were used to resource Operation Stinger and its success has now led to the creation of Operation Lion.”

“Operation Lion is ongoing and will continue to use strategies that were successful during Operation Stinger in combating crime, anti-social behaviour and alcohol abuse.” Said Sen Con Unwin.

“Police will continue building strong links with the Katherine community and business operators, with the aim of keeping people safe.”

Operation Stinger Statistics:
60 Arrests
22 Liquor Infringement Notices Issued
8   Traffic Infringement Notices Issued
3   Summary Infringements Issued
16 People taken into Protective Custody
18 Domestic Violence Orders Served
17 Domestic Violence Order Compliance checks
18 Bailee checks conducted
121 Litres of alcohol tipped out
120 People moved on
160 People spoken to
Approximately $10,000 in stolen property recovered