Media release

Potential Fire Ban for Territory Day


A Fire Ban may be declared on Territory Day for Darwin and rural areas due to weather conditions predicted by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Chief Fire Officer Steve Rothwell of NT Fire and Rescue Service said that in the event of a Fire Ban being declared, it is expected to be lifted from 6.00 pm on Sunday.

“If a Fire Ban is lifted from 6.00 pm on Territory Day, the authorised use of fireworks will be allowed between 6.00 pm to 11.00 pm,” Chief Fire Officer Rothwell said.

“Any fireworks used outside of these hours may incur significant penalties.

“NT Police, Fire and Rescue and Emergency Service as well as Bushfires NT encourage the safe use of fireworks, and ask people to be mindful of the risks of using fireworks.

Please be sure to adhere to the following:

·Ensure that there is a designated cleared area of four metres where the fireworks are to be lit

·Have a hose connected to a tap if able or a bucket of sand on standby

·Stabilise the fireworks in a bucket of sand

·Don’t go near a firework that has been lit

·Wet down all fireworks debris during and after your celebration. Don’t drop them straight into a bin or leave them unattended

·Supervise children at all times. Only adults should light or hold fireworks

·Consider pet safety and supervision

“Remember, common fireworks are explosives and must be handled with care and respect to prevent injury and property damage.

“Make your Territory Day celebration an event the whole family can enjoy - Don’t let a careless mistake spoil your celebration.”

Media note: Please be aware that the potential fire ban is only for the Darwin and rural areas.

Media Contact
Sarah Baldwin (Trinne)
0417 770 686