Media release

Police Uncover Huge Haul of Cannabis


A vehicle apprehended by Southern Traffic Operations Members in conjunction with Members from the Dog Operations Unit, the Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk and Drug Intelligence Unit on the Stuart Highway has uncovered more than 15 kilograms of Cannabis.

The vehicle was stopped at a checkpoint 20km north of Alice Springs on Tuesday as part of an ongoing operation to disrupt the supply of illicit substances to communities in the Northern Territory.  Drug Detection Dog Otto had a positive reaction to the vehicle and a search was conducted.

Initial checks allegedly uncovered a small amount of Cannabis in the car and upon a more thorough inspection Detectives have allegedly found 3 carry bags stuffed with 35 – one pound cryovacced packages on the roof rack.

Superintendent Michael White said the seizure is significant and one of the largest Cannabis finds made by the Northern Territory Police since 36 kilograms were uncovered in a ute tray near Mataranka in 2007.

“At this early stage in our investigations we believe the drugs were destined for Darwin and possible distribution to remote communities where profits would have been maximised.”

Police estimate the value of the Cannabis to be $225,000 to $400,000 depending on where they were to be sold.

A 64 year-old man has been remanded in custody to appear in the Alice Springs Magistrate Court on March 7th.

“Police have a zero tolerance to people who profit from the supply and sale of drugs in the Northern Territory.”  Superintendent White concluded.”