Media release

Police seize $126,000 worth of Kava - Bulman


A man was charged for drug offences following the seizure of $126,000 worth of kava.

Remote Sergeant Leighton Arnott said Bulman Police received information from the Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (SAID) suggesting a vehicle travelling along the Central Arnhem Road was carrying kava.

“The Ford falcon was intercepted by Police at 11:40 am yesterday approximately 28 kms from Bulman,” Remote Sergeant Arnott said.

“Police searched the vehicle and allegedly located three duffle bags in the boot. Inside those bags was 80.62 kgs of kava in 3837 deal bags and109 grams of cannabis in five deal bags.”

A 32-year-old man was charged with:

  • Possess cannabis – trafficable quantity
  • Possess commercial quantity kava
  • Supply commercial quantity kava
  • Unlawfully supply cannabis to another.

He was denied bail and is to appear in the Katherine Court today.

Three other occupants in the vehicle were released without charge.

“This is a significant bust and when sold in Aboriginal Communities, could have earned the offender a significant amount of cash. With assistance from SAID members, we were able to intercept, arrest and charge the law breaker in a matter of hours,” Remote Sergeant Arnott said.


Media Contact
Amy Sloan