Media release

Man drove unlicensed while under the influence - Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police have arrested a 42-year-old after he was allegedly found intoxicated at the wheel despite never holding a driving licence.

Officer in Charge of Southern Traffic Operations Conan Robertson said the man allegedly attempted to make a U-turn in the Toyota Rav 4 he was driving but stalled the vehicle and it rolled into an off duty Police Officer’s vehicle.

“The man was allegedly driving north along Wilkinson Street at about 9am before he attempted to make the U-turn at the end of the street,” Sergeant Robertson said.

“His roadside breath test result was 0.304 but, when he was taken to back to the Alice Springs Police Station, he was not even capable of doing a breath analysis.

“A check of records revealed the man has never held a driver’s licence.

"This occurred in a busy industrial street in Alice Springs at a peak time of the day.

“The man was barely able to speak or stand so it is staggering that he felt he should drive a car.

“We work very hard to keep people safe and we will continue to lock people up when they pose a risk to the community.

"People who have a big night need to realise that having a sleep for a couple of hours doesn’t mean you are sober.

“If you get this drunk you might need a sober bob to help you get around the next day as well."

The man was arrested for fail to supply sufficient sample and drive unlicensed.

Charges are expected to be laid later this evening.

Media Contact

Gina Wilson

8985 8837