Media release

Launch of the Flood Safe Katherine brochure


Are you ready for this wet season? This is the question members of the Katherine Counter Disaster Planning Committee (KCDPC) will be asking people who live and work in flood affected areas of Katherine during the launch of the new Flood Safe Katherine brochure this week.

“Flooding in Katherine is a real possibility, and the town has gone under five times in the last 100 years,” said Commander Michael White, Acting Chair of the KCDPC.

“The start of the wet season is the perfect time to prepare your flood action plan and to check supplies in your emergency kit. The new Flood Safe brochure is a great guide to help people protect their family and property from floods”.

“Residents should be aware that the Katherine flood warning level names have recently changed to Minor, Moderate, and Major. The terms Category 1 and 2 are no longer used for flooding.”

“Many people still expect to hear the street sirens to warn them about flooding, but these haven’t been in use for years. Warning sirens are only played on radios and televisions.”

“It’s vital that the Katherine Community is resilient to flooding and I urge everyone to read the new Flood Safe Katherine brochure in the first instance, to become well informed and prepared for the possibility of floods”.

The KCDPC secured funding last year through the Natural Disaster Resilience Program and this has funded the new Flood Safe Katherine brochures, recovery brochures, fridge magnets and posters.

“It has been a major focus of the Counter Disaster Committee over the last few months to ensure the new brochure was released in time for this year’s wet season. I would like to acknowledge the great work by all agencies involved to complete the project,” concluded Commander White.

Flood Safe Katherine brochures will be available in the Katherine Times Newspaper today, Wednesday, 17 October, Katherine Police Beat, Town Council and Members of the KCDPC will be handing them out at the Community Markets on Sat, 20 October.