Media release

High Range Drink Driver Caught - Ngukurr


Northern Territory Police are alarmed at the actions of a driver caught behind the wheel, who returned a high range blood alcohol reading.

Just before 4am this morning, Officers attended a disturbance in the Ngukurr community caused by returning intoxicated people.

“While patrolling the area, a 37-year-old man was subjected to a road side breath test.” Said Acting Commander Danny Bacon.

“Attending Officers were shocked when the initial test returned a positive reading of .311 percent.”

“A further subsequent breath analysis returned a blood alcohol reading of .218 percent.”

The man was arrested and has since been charged with one count of High Range Drink Driving, Driving Whilst Disqualified and Bringing Liquor into a Restricted Area.

He has been remanded in custody and will face the Katherine Magistrates Court on Monday.