Media release

Drunken Driver Crashes into Wall


Southern Traffic Operations Members have arrested a 30 year-old female after she crashed into a building as she was driving outbound on Gap Road at about midday.

The vehicle drove off the left hand side of the road and mounted the footpath before crashing into a brick wall at the front of the building. She has attempted to flee from the vehicle but witnesses have stopped her until police arrived.

The driver was subjected to a breath test which returned a positive reading of 0.171%

She is to be charged with a high range alcohol reading and driving whilst unlicensed.

There was one adult passenger in the vehicle who was placed into protective custody and conveyed to the sobering up shelter.

Sergeant Conan Robertson said no one was injured but the result could have been a different story if a person had been walking past at the time.

“It is scary to think that there is such a threat to innocent people who may have been using this busy footpath.  I believe our society is tired of this kind of dangerous stupidity and we will continue to work with community members to try and stop this from happening again.”