Media release

Driver Behaviour 'Staggering' - Alice Springs


A 21 year-old woman has been charged with high range drink driving after being stopped by Police at a service station on the outskirts of town just before four o’clock yesterday afternoon.

Police were appalled the woman returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.171.

They were left staggered by the fact she had only left hospital that day and her baby was being cradled by the front seat passenger.

Sergeant Conan Robertson, Officer in Charge of the Southern Traffic Operations Unit, said the woman was also unlicensed.

“It really is hard to comprehend how some people can disregard even basic driving rules.  They are there to keep people safe while using our roads and the fact that this young mother has broken three of the most important rules is quite unbelievable.

“Not only has she risked her own life, that of her passenger and other road-users but her own one-month old baby as well.”

Sergeant Robertson said that coming to a sudden stop, even at low speed, can cause a child sitting on a persons lap to be thrown forward with enough force to be fatal.

“Children should be restrained at all times in approved seats or capsules when travelling in vehicles.  I cannot understand how any parent would not ensure that their child was as safe as possible.

“Simply put, the Officers who apprehended this car, driven by an unlicensed, intoxicated driver have potentially saved the life of this very young child before an accident occurred.”