Media release

Woman Stabbed - Alice Springs


A 29-year-old woman has been stabbed in the right shoulder in an unprovoked attack in Alice Springs overnight. The German National was walking home with a group of friends along telegraph terrace when she was allegedly accosted by a group of women at about 12:30 am. The victim was punched in the face before being stabbed in the shoulder. Three of the woman's companions a 23-year-old German woman, 26-year-old Canadian man and 32-year-old Australian man also sustained injuries resulting from being punched to the face and body during the attack. All victims have been released from hospital. Police urge anyone who may have seen or heard anything in the vicinity of Billygoat Hill and the Royal Flying Doctor Service lawns between 12:30 am and 1:00 am this morning to call police on 131444. Enquiries are continuing.