Media release

Woman shot with crossbow - Bakewell


A 45-year-old woman has been shot in the ankle with a crossbow fired by her neighbour in what appears to be an accidental incident late yesterday. At approximately 5:30 pm yesterday afternoon the victim was gardening with her husband and two young sons at her home when she suddenly felt excruciating pain in her left ankle. Hearing her screams, the victims' husband rushed to assist her and discovered a red crossbow bolt embedded in her ankle. After initially decamping the area, the alleged offender responsible for injuring his neighbour later presented himself to police and admitted firing his crossbow at a stack of old car batteries in his yard. It would appear that one of the arrows clipped the side of the batteries, skimmed over the dirt and travelled through the garden area, through the chain mesh fence, crossing a four metre laneway in-between the two residences, entering the victims yard through the chain mesh fence where the arrow then lodged itself into the victim's left ankle. The alleged offender was remorseful for his actions and did not intend for the incident to occur. The alleged offender has been released from police custody and is to be summoned in relation to the incident. The victim sustained an ankle injury and was treated at hospital.