Media release

We only want Santa entering your home for Christmas - Darwin


NT Police are keen to ensure everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year without the distress and unhappiness associated with an unlawful entry.

Darwin Police Commander, Jamie Chalker said that in just the past week, Police have received 23 unlawful entries in the Darwin area alone.

“Out of the 23 unlawful entries, 14 of those were unsecured. I can’t stress enough the importance of securing your home, we all need to lock up and ensure our properties are secure. The only visitor we want entering your home late at night whilst you are sleeping is Santa. However too often, opportunistic thieves are taking advantage of people who are leaving their premises unsecured, including unlocked vehicles.

“What I want for Christmas is to read an overnight report sheet that shows no unlawful entries across the Northern Territory! Based on the figures from over the past week, only 40% of the premises targeted were secured.

“When I speak with victims of these types of crimes, they feel violated and uneasy knowing that someone has been in their place uninvited and stolen things they often hold dear. Sadly, there are people in our society who will choose to break into homes and steal Christmas presents. In a lot of circumstances, this can be prevented.

“I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, free of the sickening feeling of being a victim of crime. Take the time to lock your doors and remove opportunity from those who may set out to spoil your festive period.

“And remember, you are our eyes and ears, so if you see a suspicious person or group lingering in the streets late at night, call 131 444 and let us know,” Commander Chalker said.


Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
8985 8837
0458 307 870