Media release

Vehicle v Buffalo – Arnhem Highway


Police are again urging all road users to drive with care following a crash on the Arnhem Highway yesterday evening.

It was reported to Police at around 7:15 pm last night that the driver of a Toyota Hiace Van was travelling inbound on the Arnhem Highway when a buffalo stepped out onto the road.

The vehicle, carrying six other occupants, struck the animal head on approximately 1km past the Corroboree Park Tavern.

A number of passing motorists assisted at the crash scene, with one destroying the injured animal and another driving all six passengers to the nearby tavern.

Police and St John Ambulance members attended the scene and conveyed the passengers to Royal Darwin Hospital as a precaution.

Watch Commander Greg Pusterla said that this was another reminder for Territory road users to drive to the conditions and to always be aware.

"Although speed was not a factor in the crash, I still urge everyone to drive with extreme caution, especially on dawn and dusk when a majority of animals are most active," Senior Sergeant Pusterla said.

"The Territory's wildlife is beautiful but can also be deadly. Although an animal died in this instance, I am thankful that everyone escaped with only minor injuries."

Media Contact
Amy Sloan
8985 8838