Media release

Update #4 - High Tide Storm Surge Threat - Darwin


With the continuing inclement weather, localised flooding in a number of areas around the Rapid Creek, Millner and Nightcliff areas is ongoing. High tide this evening is forecast to be 6.6 metres at 5.39pm. This high tide, accompanied by possible storm surge, could result in the inundation of low-lying coastal areas such as Rapid Creek, Nightcliff and surrounding suburbs. Some residents in the Rapid Creek area have already been evacuated by the Northern Territory Emergency Services overnight due to flooding and water inundation. Residents should consider their options in relation to low lying areas and prepare to move items or themselves should they feel they may be threatened by rising water. As a precaution, members of the Northern Territory Police Force will be door knocking this area to advise residents of the high tides over the next 24-36 hours. Welfare shelters in those areas will open. These shelters are for people at risk of being affected by storm surge activity and will NOT be operating as Cyclone Shelters at this stage. Further information will be made available and residents should continue to monitor the media for updates. Media Contact Sarah Gotch 0417 770 686