Media release

Update #1 Missing Person -Barrow Creek


An 82-year-old woman who went missing from her community near Barrow Creek has been found alive and well.

Police launched an air and ground search for the woman at the weekend when her family became concerned after she failed to return to the Tara Community after going for a walk.

Police, NTES Volunteers and members of the local communities were joined in the search by a team of six members of the Territory Response Group.

Senior Sergeant Chalker said police held grave concerns for the woman’s welfare.

“The woman’s family told us she was very fit, however we were concerned because she suffers from dementia,” Senior Sergeant David Chalker said.

“We mounted an extensive air and ground search of the surrounding areas and fortunately, about 10am this morning we found her safe and well at  Limestone Bore, which is approximately seven kilometres north-west of the Tara Community.

“We would like to thank all those involved in the search and commend them for their efforts.”

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825