Media release

Taxi driver arrested – Alice Springs


A 49-year-old taxi-driver will appear in court after he was found to be driving with a blood alcohol level of .057 per cent this morning.

The man was pulled over for a random breath test in South Terrace just before 9.30am. He was arrested after producing a positive result and was taken to the Watch House for a breath analysis where he blew .057 percent.

Sergeant Conan Robertson said it was disturbing that a professional driver should have alcohol in his system whilst carrying passengers.

"Drivers of commercial passenger vehicles are required to have a zero blood alcohol content. What is disturbing is that, as a paying passenger, you should be able to trust that your driver is sober and safe. This driver put both his passengers and his livelihood at risk."

The taxi driver will be summonsed to appear in court on June 21 to answer a charge of driving with alcohol in blood - Commercial passenger vehicle.

The four stranded French tourists who were passengers in the taxi were taken to the airport by police.

"After we arrested the taxi driver it became clear the four French tourists were likely to miss their plane," Sgt Robertson said.

" We placed their luggage in the back of our caged vehicle and the passengers in the cabin, and got them to the airport just in time to catch their flight.," Sgt Robertson said.

Media Contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825