Media release

Special operation – Alice Springs


Police tipped out more than 250 litres of grog and moved on more than 1000 people during a three-day special operation in Alice Springs.

Additional police had been brought in from remote communities to assist local police with the scheduled AFL game on Friday night, however, that was cancelled on Friday and the additional resources were used to assist with the special operation.

As a result of the three-day operation, 20 people will appear in court for street offences, and five drivers will appear for drink driving.

The highest reading was that of a 34-year-old unlicensed female driver with a blood alcohol level of .176 per cent who was arrested on Friday night in Wills Terrace.

Police also took 317 people into protective custody for being drunk, and 253 litres of alcohol were tipped out.

Acting superintendent Jody Nobbs said that despite the extra police on duty, police were still kept extremely busy on Friday night.

"The large number of people moved on and taken into protective custody is indicative of the increased number of visitors in town for the football, and police were kept busy ensuring those who were affected by alcohol were kept off the streets," A/Supt Nobbs said.

"As the weekend progressed it was clear people were starting to get the message as the level of anti-social behaviour also started to decrease, which was good to see.

"We will continue to conduct special operations to counter anti-social behaviour in the CBD especially in the lead up to the NAB Challenge later this month."

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603