Media release

Search and rescue –Standley Chasm


Police and NTES volunteers conducted a search for a missing tourist after an EPIRB was activated near Standley Chasm yesterday afternoon.

Police received a report just before 5pm that an emergency beacon had been activated in an area near Standley Chasm west of Alice Springs. A helicopter was deployed to search the area with a trained NTES air observer aboard.

The 27-year-old Brazilian tourist was located in ranges approximately six kilometres from Standley Chasm just after 6pm.

The man told police he had been hiking in the area for the past five days after starting off from Simpsons Gap. The man began his trek with six litres of water but ran out yesterday. He activated his EPIRB when he began to get weaker as the day progressed.

Police said he was equipped with a backpack with a tent and sleeping bag, food and a basic first aid kit.

Acting Superintendent Jody Nobbs said the man had done everything right , including having an emergency beacon with him on his trek.

"He even changed into a pair of bright yellow trousers so that he could be better seen from the air," Supt Nobbs said.

"This was a well-coordinated search and a very satisfying result considering what could have happened if he didn't have the beacon with him.

"This can serve as a lesson to others hiking in remote areas in the future, to ensure they have adequate supplies and a means of raising the alarm should that be required."

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603