Media release

Road train incident – Tennant Creek


It appears that the 31-year-old male driver of a road train pulled over to the side of the road at Gilbert Swamp to allow another large vehicle to pass when the last of its three trailers became bogged in the soft shoulder of the road.

A crane was dispatched from Tennant Creek to rectify the situation however upon attempting to lift the vehicle, has become unbalanced and has fallen across both lanes of the highway, blocking all traffic.

A crane from Alice Spring is currently en route to the area, however the road is not expected to be re-opened until 1:00 pm at the earliest.

Police also advise that the Barkly Highway between the Barkly Homestead and the QLD border remains closed with 800mm of water over the road.

It is believed that the affected area will be re-opened to heavy vehicles later today.

For all road condition updates, please visit

Media Contact:
Amy Sloan
8985 8838