Media release

Police search for stolen motor vehicles


Palmerston Police are out in force targeting the problem of motor vehicles throughout the area.

Sergeant Rob James of the Palmerston Tactical Team said that this will hopefully send a clear message both to victims and criminals.

"There is a current crime trend along the Stuart Highway heading towards the rural area in which vehicles, trailers and boats that have been parked and displayed for sale are being stolen" Sergeant James said.

"Since January this year, a Cavalier camper trailer, three boats on trailers and a number of fishing related accessories have been stolen from along the Stuart Highway."

The list of stolen items are as follows:

January 30 a 5.3 metre silver Voyager tinny and Suzuki four stroke motor and 1991 model Road Master trailer was stolen from Howard Springs.

April 1-5 a 2010 model blue 8 x 5 dual axle trailer was removed from the Howard Springs/Lambrick Avenue intersection.

May 27 a 2008 model white Quintrex Stacer 4.2 metre Pro Line Angler boat on a trailer was taken from Howard Springs/Stuart Highway intersection.

May 28 a 2001 model Dunbier 4.35 metre Bermuda Mangrove Deluxe boat and trailer was stolen from the location.

May 28 a Fishfinder, GPS and VHR radio was stolen from inside a boat for sale.

June 4 a 2000 green Box trailer with Cavalier camper was also stolen from the location.

"To assist in reminding people to secure all valuable items, we will be patrolling these 'hot-spot' areas and placing our new Vehicle Security Alert cards on them. These cards have contact numbers as well as a list of information on how to keep your property and vehicle safe and how to lessen the appeal to any would-be criminals."

The key things to keep in mind when leaving your vehicle are:

Remove valuable items from sight or take them out of your vehicle
Secure your vehicle, meaning lock it and preferably by installing an immobiliser
Park in well lit areas
Always secure your car keys even when in your residence.

"They're simple steps and I urge everyone to take them onboard. Remember, if they can't see it, there's no temptation to steal it."

Media Contact
Amy Sloan
8985 8838