Media release

Overdue party found safe - Warruwi


Seven people were found safe and well early this morning off the coast of Warruwi after a search and rescue effort overnight.

Remote Sergeant Roger Ilett said the party left Croker Island yesterday at around 2:30 pm in their 15 foot aluminium boat, powered by an outboard motor.

“After they failed to return that evening, Police were alerted and began their search,” said Remote Sergeant Ilett.

“With the assistance of the Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC), members from Warruwi and Minjilang, Water Police, Police Air Wing and NT Emergency Services Volunteers conducted land and air searches.

“The vessel was spotted around 4:15 am this morning by RCC’s Dornier turboprop aircraft, approximately 26 kms west of South Goulburn Island.

“Local members attended and rescued the overdue party, made up of seven people aged from three through to 40 years.

“It was a great result for all involved and I’d particularly like to thank the Rescue Coordination Centre in Canberra for their assistance.

“Although it was a swift and incident free operation, it could have had tragic results. I again urge all boat goers to make sure their vessels are fully equipped with all the essential emergency equipment prior to departing. Always be sure to check the weather forecast and make sure the conditions are favourable for travel before setting off.

This simple step can save your life.”


Media Contact
Amy Sloan