Media release

Operation Crossroads - Easter Road Safety Campaign – Overview


Across the Territory 10,970 motorists were breath-tested at the weekend - resulting in 45 drink driving arrests as part of a joint operation of Australian and New Zealand Police.

Police are pleased that the majority of drivers are taking responsibility for their actions on the roads, however, one drink driver in every 243 drivers tested is one too many.

NT Police provided a high profile police presence throughout the Territory during the course of the national campaign; focussing on drink driving, speeding and general traffic offences.

Commander Kate Vanderlaan, of the Traffic and Specialist Services Command, said she was happy to report there were no fatalities over the Easter break.

"Overall most motorists were careful this Easter on our roads and it was great to see a significant decline in drink driving offences - improved driver behaviour will save lives.

"However, one drink driver is one too many and it only takes one person to act irresponsibly for a tragedy to occur.

"Keeping people safe is what we do and we will continue to do everything in our power to enforce the road rules," she said.

As well as breath testing, one motorist tested positive for drugs. In addition, 67 drivers committed licence offences and in total 390 other traffic infringement notices were issued.

"39 drivers have now found out that driving an unregistered vehicle will hit your back pocket. When your car is not registered your insurance is not valid which could become very costly if you have an accident." Commander Vanderlaan said.

With two long weekends in a row this year; police are highlighting the need for extra caution on our roads. Human beings are fallible and crashes will occur. However the incidence of injury (or deaths) can be reduced, when we accept, comply and share the responsibility for using our roads safely.

"Take responsibility for your actions and drive with more care and consideration for others on the road." said Commander Vanderlaan.

Operation Crossroads supports the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety which will be launched in May this year. Operation Crossroads is a joint initiative of Police Commissioners across Australia and New Zealand to raise awareness of road safety issues, in particular drink/drug driving, speeding, traffic infringements and licence offences.

Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
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