Media release

Operation Chianti Katherine


Katherine Police and Katherine-based Liquor Licensing Inspectors have concluded a week-long operation; Operation Chianti.

The Operation commenced on Friday, 16 December and targeted breaches of the Northern Territory Liquor Act in and around the Katherine CBD. 

Acting Superintendent Gavin Kennedy said that the principle focus of the Operation was targeting the network of persons who sell liquor without a licence. 

“It is known as ‘early grog’ or ‘sly grog’ and is a significant problem for Katherine. 

“Lawful take-away liquor purchases cease at 8.00 pm, after which the sly grog trade begins to flourish until sunrise, at grossly inflated prices.

“The sly grog trade is a significant contributing factor to late night alcohol related domestic violence and anti-social behaviour in and around Katherine.

“Katherine Police and Licensing Inspectors are devoting significant resources to the issue,” said Acting Superintendent Kennedy.

The Operation concluded with 97 litres of alcohol being tipped out, 39 liquor infringement notices being issued, and one licensed premises breach for selling liquor to an intoxicated person.  In addition, three local Katherine men are due appear before the Katherine Court of Summary Jurisdiction on 23 January 2012, for selling liquor without a licence. 

As a consequence of their offending, these men are automatically prohibited from purchasing, possessing or consuming alcohol for 3 months.

Media Contact:

Lisa Hutton

8985 8835

0427 660 594