Media release

NT Police Uniform Ballot Outcome


The Northern Territory Police Association conducted the ballot on behalf of the NT Police and called for votes from all Officers throughout a 3 week period.

The vote count concluded this afternoon resulting in a total of 1008 valid votes received (out of a potential 1357 voters). This includes Aboriginal Community Police Officers and Auxiliaries.

A 12 month review period, including a 12 week trial of various sample uniforms was conducted prior to the ballot.

The ballot consisted of two questions:

Would you like to retain the current NT Police Force khaki uniform or change to the material and design of the uniform recommended by the Police Uniform Committee? Change/Retain
If there is a change to the material and design, what is your preferred colour for a new NT Police Force uniform? Khaki/Blue

48 votes called for retention of the existing uniform.
960 votes called for a change in design.
Of those 960, 569 votes called for a change of colour from khaki to blue.

The majority of NT Police Officers have therefore voted for both a change in design and a change of colour to blue.

Superintendent Jamie Chalker, Chair of the Police Uniform Committee said he was pleased Officers had been given the opportunity to have their say through this process,

"Police members have been calling for uniform progress for many years. An anonymous ballot is the surest way to ensure the majority vote informs such progress.

"Despite the Northern Territory Police Associations calling for a review of the current uniform, the Police Executive ensured that the current uniform was included as a voting option in this ballot.

"A number of members were able to trial various sample uniforms throughout the Territory following significant scoping and consultation over the past 12 months.

"The trial process was extremely thorough and eliminated some designs for various practical reasons, leaving an alternative design option available to the current uniform.

"The majority of members have voted for a new, blue design uniform, which is fit for purpose, clearly recognisable as Police to enable us to go about our business of keeping people safe." Uniform Committee Chair, Superintendent Chalker said.

The Uniform Review Committee will commence an implementation process immediately including procurement, identifying timeframes and a future date for the roll out for the new uniform.

At this stage, the timeframe cannot be provided as to when members of the public can expect to see these new uniforms as this will be dependent on the implementation process. Updates will be provided to the public once information becomes available.

Katie Fowden