Media release

Night Patrols to assist with footy – Alice Springs


Forty night patrol officers will be brought into Alice Springs from remote communities to assist police with the Ngurratjuta Easter Football Lightning Carnival this weekend.

Thousands of visitors are expected to come to Alice Springs over the Easter weekend for the three day carnival which will be held at Traeger Park Oval.

Senior Sergeant Peter Dash said the patrols will provide a welcome support to police in dealing with the large influx of people into town.

"This is a great example of the benefit of a co-ordinated community approach to ensuring the successful management of such a large event," Sen Sgt Dash said.

"The 40 members of the Night and Day Patrols have been organised through the co-operation of Tangentyere Council, Central Desert Shire and the MacDonnell Shire.

"The patrols will be co-ordinated in conjunction with police patrols and will not only target the football at Traeger Park but also other identified hotspots where drinking and other anti-social behaviour is known to occur.

"Members of the patrols will be well briefed and they will be tasked to talk to visitors and reinforce the standard of behaviour expected in town.," Sen Sgt Dash said.

"They will also offer assistance with safe accommodation and discuss return to country options with the visitors after the football is over.

"This is a valuable resource for police and we are confident their support will assist in enhancing the safety and enjoyment for all concerned this weekend."
Media Contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825