Media release

Marine Search and Rescue – Groote Eylandt


Police received a report of a overdue party yesterday at about 1:00 pm. A Search and Rescue plane was dispatched and located the man anchored at approximately two nautical miles east of Amigbirra Island.

A police boat was sent out to assist the man but had to turn around due to a large storm hitting the area. When the police boat arrived at the location the missing man and boat could not be located after an extensive air and water search.

Local police recommenced the search at first light this morning with the assistance of Water Police and the Tactical Response Group. Search and Rescue aircrafts, helicopters and boats were used to search the area and the man was located and rescued at 8:50 am.

Senior Sergeant Peter Schiller said the man was in good health and glad to be back on land.

"He did the right thing by letting someone know of his plans before heading out onto the water.

"The marine environment in the Northern Territory can be very unpredictable, as can the weather at this time of year, which is why it is crucial to inform someone where you are headed and when you are expecting to return.

"Make sure you carry the correct safety gear, carry plenty of water and sufficient food, and have a good communications plan.

"When people do the right thing and run into trouble, their odds of being safely recovered in a short period of time are significantly increased," Sergeant Schiller said.

Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
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