Media release

Improved Policing Services


New statistics from the 'Report on Government Services 2011' conducted by the Commonwealth Productivity Commission, shows the Northern Territory Police Force has improved its services in a number of key areas.

The annual report for last financial year indicates more than 61 percent of people who have had contact with police are satisfied with police services - that's an increase of almost three percent from the year before.

More and more Territorians also feel safer in their own home at night. The Territory recorded the largest jurisdictional improvement in this area with a jump of five percent. Overall 82 percent of respondents said they feel safe at home at night.

Almost 89 percent of people also indicated they are confident walking in public places - well up on the previous year - where only 83.5 percent of people felt safe in public places.

The reputation of police within the community has also improved, with almost five percent more people indicating they believe police treat people fairly.

"The Territory also rates the highest of any jurisdiction when it comes to employing Indigenous people; and the number of female employees is also above the national average, two areas we're very proud of." said Commissioner John McRoberts.

"The survey results prove that the Northern Territory Police Force's strategic focus combined with the dedication and professionalism of Territory Police Officers is having a positive impact on the Community in which we serve. However, there is always room for improvement and we will continue to build on these early results" Commissioner McRoberts said.

Media Contact
Michael Holland
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