Media release

Drive with Caution this Festive Season


Three people are lucky to have escaped with only minor injuries following a car crash that occurred near Hayes Creek yesterday afternoon.

Senior Sergeant Craig Ryan said at around 2:45 pm, the three were travelling south along the Stuart Highway approximately one kilometre from the Hayes Creek Service Station when the crash occurred.

“It would appear that the 38-year-old male driver of the Nissan Tiida took a left hand bend in the road and lost control, causing it to slide off the road and into trees,” said Senior Sergeant Ryan.

“The wet road surface is believed to have been the cause of the crash and all three are lucky to have not been seriously injured.

“The driver, a 38-year-old female and her 6-year-old son were all wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash and the driver is believed to have been travelling under the signed speed limit.

“Police returning from Operation Shiloh attended the crash and conveyed the occupants back to Darwin.

“This can happen to anyone at anytime, which is why Police strongly urge all road users to drive to the conditions. Tyres can react very differently on wet surfaces so I encourage everyone to slow down, turn on your headlights and be courteous to other road users.”



Media Contact
Amy Sloan