Media release

Drink driver warning –Alice Springs


Police in Alice Springs are astounded that motorists still aren't getting the message after they arrested six high range drink drivers overnight.

Sergeant Conan Robertson said police arrested three men and three women in a period of three and a half hours last night.

"The highest reading was that of a 39-year-old woman who blew .201 per cent. Police pulled her vehicle over as she was leaving Trucking Yards Camp just after 1.30am.," Sgt Robertson said.

"About an hour earlier a 36-year-old woman was arrested after she was caught driving with a blood alcohol level of .189 per cent. Police activated their lights and sirens to pull her over for a random breath test as she was travelling north along South Terrace, however, she refused to stop and drove off at speed. She was arrested after driving into a tree in Hayes Street a short distance away."

Other drink drivers included a 42-year-old man with a blood alcohol level of .177 per cent, 44-year-old female with a blood alcohol level of .162 per cent, a 20-year-old man who blew .190 per cent and a 26-year-old man with a blood alcohol level of .166 per cent.

"What are these people thinking? Especially in light of all the warnings we've been putting out there for the up-coming Finke weekend. We are just astounded that stupid drivers will still climb into their vehicles after drinking alcohol. And remember, all these drivers returned high range readings.

"If this continues, it's going to keep police very busy over the Finke weekend, because we will not just be monitoring the situation on the roads but at camp sites and off-road tracks as well."
Media Contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825